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IWD Designed Get Firefox!

This is a Britblog
This is an English Britblog

Some things I agree with
(or not as the case may be)

EFF: No Broadcast Flag No Watermarks

Monday, July 2

Ooo hoo this morning gets better and better.


//www.k10k.net (again hehe)

//www.grownmencry.com/lmichelle/sheep.html - it was blocked at school, but sounds funny.

//www.rachelandrew.co.uk/webdev/dreamweaver.asp - Interesting, interesting...

//www.k10k.net/features/11.sigmund/index.htm - ooh. hoo hoo. Nice. ;)

//www.surfstation.lu/SPLASH/marc02/Ooo nice.

//www.mmicons.com - Kewl.

//hensel.lifepatterns.net - hehehehehehehe like it like it!

//dreamweaverfever.com - Essential for any power DW user.

//www.iht.com/articles/24700.html - Web Plagiarism Easy, but Also Easier to Detect (IHT)

//www.iai-jp.net - ooo.

//www.teddybearssthlm.com - ooo again.

//www.turbulence.org/Works/song - kewl.

//www.beaularkphoto.com - nice.

//www.b-reel.com/summerjob/launch.htm - woohoo! A game!

//corp.pixel-industries.com/index2.html - damn I need to get photoshopping.

Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 7/02/2001 11:53:00 AM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 4339773·
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