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This is an English Britblog

Some things I agree with
(or not as the case may be)

EFF: No Broadcast Flag No Watermarks

Monday, July 9

Well, after helping _Jeremy in Lockergnome chat, here's a quick guide to making your own menus in mIRC. Useful for when you open the app and want to connect to a server - right-click on the Status window and choose a server/room from the menu.


Join a server/room:
.Lockergnome (server):/server chat.planetz.net:6667
.Lockergnome (room):/join #lockergnome

The mIRC editor is the little green button on the taskbar.

So, my complete Status file reads:

.#mIRC:/names #mirc
.#irchelp: /names #irchelp
.names ?:/names #$$?="Enter a channel name:"
Join a server/room:
.Lockergnome (server):/server chat.planetz.net:6667
.FreeTechSupport (room):/join #freetechsupport
.Lockergnome (room):/join #lockergnome
.[=X=] (server):/server b0rk.uk.quakenet.org
.[=X=] (room):/join #[=X=]
.Mister (room) (G][ost and Funny are in here):/join #mister
.#mIRC:/join #mirc
.#irchelp:/join #irchelp
.join ?:/join #$$?="Enter a channel to join:"
.Try double-clicking in a channel window!:
.Whois ?:/whois $$?="Enter a nickname:"
.Query:/query $$?="Enter a nickname:"
.Nickname:/nick $$?="Enter your new nickname:"
..Set Away...:/away $$?="Enter your away message:"
..Set Back:/away
.List Channels:/list
Edit Notes:/run notepad.exe notes.txt
Quit IRC:/quit Leaving

can u see where I put in my own menu?

You can add your own items to the menus. Just start an item with a "." (period/full stop) and separate the option with the actual command with a ":" (colon).

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Chris Woods
aka ^Morph^


Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 7/09/2001 03:00:00 AM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 4442580·
| Permalink

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