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(or not as the case may be)

EFF: No Broadcast Flag No Watermarks

Sunday, September 2

Math Markup Language (Chapter 1)

Well whaddya know... an XML-based mathematical markup language for people who wanna put maths on web pages.

Urgh I hate maths ;)

The BOBBY Project - now here's an interesting idea. Webmasters and web designers who want their sites to be compliant with guidelines set for people who have trouble reading standard web pages, check out this site. It's a great idea.

l8r d00ds, off to get some sleep now :P
Chris (it's 7:25am right now HAHAHA)

Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 9/02/2001 07:27:00 AM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 5435035·
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