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This is a Britblog
This is an English Britblog

Some things I agree with
(or not as the case may be)

EFF: No Broadcast Flag No Watermarks

Sunday, August 25

Today is a good news day. If you own a PS2, and want to play MP3s on it, then I recommend that you check out this page here. //www.afterdawn.com/news/archive/3132.cfm

Also, because I think all the UK political parties frankly suck monkey ass, here's a novel solution to the political problem: The MP3 Party. Hurrah! //www.theregus.com/content/6/25850.html

Going round to my mate's house tomorrow, 1mbit connection rar rar rar :D

Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 8/25/2002 09:36:00 PM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 80699129·
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