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Some things I agree with
(or not as the case may be)

EFF: No Broadcast Flag No Watermarks

Tuesday, May 14

Hola. Me llamo Christopher - no hay un perro por que mi jardin es demasiado pequeno.

Or something like that.

I did my first GCSE exam today. Spanish, Listening Component. Already done Speaking (Spanish Orals), and still have to do Reading... Not sure if I have to do a Writing component. Felt kinda odd... It was the Year 11 Leaving Party on Friday the 10th of this month, and now there's precious little time for me to spend with some of my best friends, except trying to get to see them in the world outside of school, which becomes more difficult as time goes on... Feels odd, unsettling, knowing that part of your life, which has stayed the same for such a long time, comparatively very ordered to the rest of the world, is just about to stop and I'm going off to Sixth Form afterwards.

There's some people, my friends, who I'll doubtless never talk to again.

However, I'm endeavouring to set up some kind of social anchor, if you will, for people to reference and relate to in the future. Therefore, chriswoods@infinitus.co.uk will always exist in some form or another, so that people can always email it and get in touch with me. I'm just hoping that people WILL do that in the future. I also set up a forum for me and my friends to communicate on in the future, but that's had little takeup. Partially due to the fact that I haven't advertised it. ;) //cockeyed.deadtrout.com/inside/printer/printcart.html

Biiiiiiiig image. //cockeyed.deadtrout.com/inside/printer/web_spread_giant.jpg
(That's all of the pictures they printed in glorious black and white. Wahey.)

Bah. Just when I thought my life was getting a little easier... AOL wants to switch back to Netscape. Bah. //news.com.com/2100-1023-868921.html - oh, and if you read the article, I am one of those people who worry about whether pages are compatible with all the browsers... I have them all installed on my computer :)

Oh my GOD man. New k10k design. Tight, tight. Kaliber10000 - The Designer's Lunchbox

Funny. heehee //tiimes.com/mp3/budonkadonk.mp3

Now for some web sites that make me sigh with pleasure upon loading them (sound is good).











//www.alistapart.com/stories/rollovers/ - also practical.

//www.textism.com/article/494/ - tsk tsk tsk...

Not so design-conscious now, but the ideas are what count.

Go f*ck yourself!

I'm tired. And I have waaaaaay too much free time surfing the vast expanses of the web. Scuse me, I'm off to drool at UT2.


Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 5/14/2002 04:49:00 PM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 76537651·
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