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IWD Designed Get Firefox!

This is a Britblog
This is an English Britblog

Some things I agree with
(or not as the case may be)

EFF: No Broadcast Flag No Watermarks

Sunday, June 9

It's Peanut Butter Jell-Ay Time! //www.starterupsteve.com/swf/banana.html

So sad, yet so true. //www.miketheheadlesschicken.org/Mike%20Story.htm

Obligatory plug of two quality sites.
The Designers' Lunchbox
Studio AAAAAHHHHH... :)
DA - 0wnz j00
doushikai. quality mate's site.

Buhbye for now, tis all methinks.

Dragged out of Christopher's memory and pasted
into his blog at 6/09/2002 01:27:00 AM. Roughly.
Blog ID: 77513801·
| Permalink

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